Style & Design
Style & Design
The theme for the design of the Hotel is "Urban Beach Resort", led by the thought that the joining of the beach and the urban area defines the true essence of the city of Tel Aviv, and distinguishes it from other major cities and coastal resorts. This is a joining between density and openness, intensity and calmness, colors and contrasting textures. The Hotel's design was inspired by the classic resorts of the 1950's, such as Miami and the French Riviera, with a contemporary twist.

About a year after its opening, the Brown Beach House was named the "Best Designed Hotel for 2016". The editors of prestigious magazines and senior tourism officials chose it for reasons such as "the choice of colors gives the feel of a beach club" and "the whole place was designed like the cover of a Playboy magazine."

During the Winter of 2017, the Brown Hotels joint forces again with the interior designer, Elin Langlieb, who designed the hotel in cooperation with Leopard Hospitalite, to participate in a unique project led by the Israeli Tourism officce and the city of Tel Aviv and created the first ever Lifeguard Tower Hotel.